Mistress Isabella Isabella Tasci FinDom MoneyDom Foot Goddess English Homewrecking Payslave FinSlave Latex
Länge: 5,36 Minuten Größe: 264.14 MB Dateityp: mp4 Codec: h264 Audio: aac, stereo, 44100 Auflösung: 1920 x 1080 Format: 16:9 fullhd

A life without me...

...sounds like a nightmare, right? Especially when you consider what you have already sacrificed and done for me. You have no more friends, no relationships - and no savings. No, it wouldn't be nice for you to be dropped by me. Especially because your sexuality is depending on me... we both know that you aren't able to get hard without my permission! I'm pretty sure that you aware off all that... right? Pay attention on your behavior and listen to what I have to say to you.... one mistake and i will send you a one way ticket into your loneliness.

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