Mistress Isabella Isabella Tasci FinDom MoneyDom Foot Goddess English Nails Fingernails Long nails Manicure FemDom Finger Hand Fetish
Länge: 4,22 Minuten Größe: 394.97 MB Dateityp: mp4 Codec: h264 Audio: aac, stereo, 44100 Auflösung: 1920 x 1080 Format: 16:9 fullhd

Nails are your weakness

You have a fable for finger nails - in fact beautiful, long, painted, feminine fingernails. It drives you crazy to think about what I could do with my fingernails when you were here. So many sign that I can do with my long fingers and perfect manicures nails. Pressing my thumb against my index finger, and rub very slowly, so you know that I think of the cash that you will give me.... scratching over your back whenever I wanna ket you suffering in pain...

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